Team Asha Silicon Valley Running 2024

Target Races and Timeline

  • Half Marathon

    Target Race: San Jose Rock n Roll Half Marathon

    Target Race Date: October 06, 2024

    Training starts with 2 free trial runs on June 29 and July 06

    Time: 7:00am
    Location: Campbell Park, E Campbell Ave and Gilman Ave intersection, Campbell, CA

  • Full Marathon

    Target Race: Humboldt Redwoods Full marathon

    Target Race Date: October 13, 2024

    Full marathon training has already started. Runners can still join in June 2024, only if you are running 15-20 miles per week and can run at-least 6.25 miles (10k) at one go.
    Wannabe marathoners can join the program immediately from 8th or 15th June.
    Fundraising target for full marathon trainees (who are joining in June) is reduced to $750

Take the first step towards your goal!

Join us for open-for-all free trial runs at Campbell park, Campbell on Saturday, June 29 and July 06 at 7:00 am. Come talk to our coords and coaches to learn more.

Registration for 2024
  • Connector.

    Target races

    Team Asha running program will train you to run a Target Race of 10k, half marathon and full marathon in 2024.

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    Personalized coaching

    Team Asha Running program focuses on individual goals. Whether you are a first time marathon runner or a seasoned runner, our coaches can provide a training plan that will bring out the athlete in you and help you achieve your fitness and marathon goals.

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    Extensive training

    Training is conducted 3 to 4 days a week. Past runners have found the program to effectively balance the right amount of mileage, long runs and practice races. Through a carefully selected combination of muddy trails and tarmac paths, the training runs accustom you to the terrain of the marathon destination.

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    Expert coaches driving performance

    All our coaches have run several ultra marathons and have inspiring stories to share at each run. Their expert coaching have improved performace of both first time marathoners and seasoned runners.

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    In addition to the runs, the training program targets and educates runners on aspects like shoes, hydration, clothing and mental preparation.

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    Team Support

    Accomplishing a task like running a marathon requires a sustained team effort. Finding individuals or groups to run with is especially important to individuals preparing for any endurance running event. Team Asha training program is committed to providing strong team support. Since our teams typically include runners of all levels, the team and the expertise of the coaches can help you reduce and overcome the strain that comes with sustained training over several months.

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    Volunteer driven

    The program is completely driven by a bunch of volunteers who are passionate about the cause of Asha for Education. All our coaches, mentors and coords volunteer their time to make the program successful.

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    we run so they can read

    Team Asha athletes raise funds for Asha for Education, Silicon Valley chapter, which helps support education initiatives for underprivileged children in India.

Training details

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    Weekday and weekend training runs

    All weekend runs will be on Saturdays. You can choose a weekday training slot based on your schedule and location. All runs will have extensive pre/post run stretching sessions. The course will be selected based on the terrain and climatic condtions of the target run.

  • Connector.

    Strength/Core workouts

    Coaches recommend personalized strength and core workouts to improve your endurance

  • Connector.

    Individual guidance

    Guidance from our professional coaches for runners of all levels. Guidance from mentors on running and fundraising goals

  • Extensive stretching pre/post run stretching sessions

  • Fully supported runs with water stops and energizing stations
  • Weekday runs will help you improve your endurace to run long distances over the weekends.
  • Team support on your target race. Our coaches, mentors and volunteers will be there to cheer you and help you complete the race.
  • The fun at every run!
  • Just show up every week.. for its fun to run as a team!


If you are worried about committing to the program, we invite you to the first two runs which are open to all without a need for enrollment or a commitment to fundraise.

  • 10K Run
  • $250
  • Half Marathon (SEASON 1 or SEASON 2)
  • $750
  • Half Marathon (SEASON 1 and SEASON 2)
  • $1000
  • Full Marathon 2024 (April Start)
  • $1000
  • Full Marathon 2024 (June Start)
  • $750
  • Fundraising Deadline
  • 30 days after the target race

All the money raised through this program gets distributed among 20+ NGOs that we work with across India.
Donors like you help us ensure that kids don’t just attend school and they actually learn. We support our project partners in India who have diverse education needs – it could be a supplementary school, school with special needs, vocational training classes or digital education.To give a brief idea of some of our projects:

To learn more about our projects and locations, please visit

Asha for Education is a 100% transparent and volunteer driven organization. Every single $ you raise is dispersed to our projects. All the coaches train athletes for no cost and in fact many of them fundraise just like any other athlete enrolled in our program.

In 2018, our Team Asha athletes raised ~300K. Asha for Education Silicon Valley chapter dispersed 565K to 20+ projects impacting the lives of 28,000+ children in India. Check out our 2018 annual report here.

  1. Start your fundraising early – this helps in reaching out to more people and raise way more than your minimum target.
  2. Most of the profit companies in the Bay Area do company matching. All your donations can be doubled by applying for company match. Check here if your company has a donation matching program.
  3. Every single hour you volunteer for ANY NGO can be used towards your fundraising through ‘volunteer hour grants’.
  4. Another great way to fundraise is to organize a lunch sale at your workplace or in your friends circle. You also get a chance to explain about various projects Asha supports. Read this article to see how a Alumni raised funds.
  5. Lose your inhibitions – you are asking people to donate for a great cause. It’s important to explain why you are training through Team Asha and how proud your donors should be because they are helping every child in leading a better life!
  6. If you are artsy & crafty, this will be an amazing way to show your talent. You can ask people to donate towards your FR for every item you sell.
  7. General donations to Asha for Education by the athlete in the same fiscal year can be accounted towards FR target. (donations to fundraising campaigns such as Work An Hour, Support A Child etc and events will not be considered).
  8. Tips from our Asha alumni.
    Be sure to attend our fundraising clinic to learn more!
This is a very valid concern that every new member of Team Asha has. We will help you with ideas, materials, fundraising clinics etc to help you with your fundraising. During every weekend training, your group captain will help you keep on track. Till date, more than 80% of our bikers have raised more than the minimum fundraising targets.
Team Asha mentors and other Asha volunteers will work with you throughout the program and beyond to help you honor your pledge of raising the target amount. Please see this program as a means of supporting and encouraging the underprivileged children and not simply a biking-training program. Without your fundraising efforts, it would be difficult for Asha to continue supporting these projects. We urge you to do your best to honor your commitment in helping these children. If in the end you still fail to reach the target then you are required to cover the balance by yourself.
Asha for Education is a 100% volunteer driven organization. Asha-SV has a list of projects we support every year. 100% of your donation goes towards the projects because our operating expenses will be covered by the registration fee you pay. If you want to donate to a particular project of your interest, please contact

Frequently Asked Questions

Registration fee ensures your spot in the marathon training program. All registrants get a free running tshirt. The registration fee is used to cover all the expenses for the marathon training program, so every dollar you raise directly goes to support the education of underprivileged children in India.
There isn’t a minimum fitness level to join the training program. However, as with any exercise program, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before beginning physical training.

Every year we get a lot of runners who are new to endurance sports, especially running. 99% of first-time runners have successfully completed both full and half marathons.

There is an initial, nonrefundable registration fee of upto $100. Other costs include race registrations (we will negotiate a charity group discount that can be used during registration for the major races that Team Asha targets), running gear like shoes and apparel, food/drink supplies during long runs.

Feel free to contact program coordinators or coaches to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. Coordinators can be reached at

  • Train for about 6 months for full marathon and about 3 months for half marathon.

  • Join the entire group for a weekly long run (Saturdays) and track session (most Tuesdays.)
  • Do short runs or cross-training with mentors once or twice a week.
  • Raise funds as mentioned above.
  • Join in the socials and parties, make merry and enjoy with fellow runners.
    • A comprehensive marathon-training package (for full and half marathons) conducted by professional, experienced coaches.
    • Schedules for everyday training. This will be a well-paced training program consisting of hard-training days, easy-training days, rest days, suggestions for cross-training, strength training and more.
    • The opportunity to draw from the experience of coaches and past runners.
    • The opportunity to network with past marathoners and fellow runners in the local community.
    • The opportunity to discuss ideas with past participants and people who have raised funds.
    • Clinics on running techniques, injury prevention and diagnosis, gear selection, etc.
    • Nutrition clinics (how to train your body to burn energy over sustained periods of time).
    Most of are training runs are in South Bay. We have a few long runs in the Peninsula. Long runs will be at

    • Baylands Park – Sunnyvale,
    • Hellyer Park – San Jose,
    • Los Gatos Creek Trail – Campbell,
    • Oracle Trail – Redwood Shores,
    • Alameda Creek Trail -Fremont
    • Sawyer Camp Trail – Belmont.
    • This ensures you dont get bored of running the same trail again and again. For weekday running, you can signup for a group that runs closer to your home.

    We start from a 2 mile run and slowly increase the mileage every week.


    Call: VS Joshi: 408 475 2334

    We run so they can read