Want to learn a new skill? Asha presents to you a variety of online learning programs to make your shelter-in-place exciting. Be it physical or mental or just for fun, we have you covered!
Come join us in this fun ride and help educate the kids in India in just two easy steps:
Step 1 : Sign the Waiver
Step 2: Register
All the funds raised with this program and will go directly towards educating and keeping kids safe in India. It takes just $300 to get a child an education for an entire year.

DIY Gardening
Schedule: 4 weeks – 1 class / week (Tues : 5:30 pm-6:30 pm Pacific time)
Program duration: April 6th – April 27th 2021
Cost: $100
Program structure
We will begin our course with an in-depth understanding of the soil(what it is, the correct pH, nutrients and living organisms present and soil preparation). Just like in life, being at the right place at the right time is important, so is choosing the right area to plant those seeds! You have got to consider the sun, wind and water. Should my sapling stay in the pot or should I plant in the ground? Come learn the dos and don’t of gardening!
Class 1: Basics of plant growing (sun, soil, seasons etc.)
How to buy plants
DIY – Plant germination, root growing (grow plants from seeds, stems, cloves)
Class 2: DIY – Build a basic trellis to support plant growth
Class 3: DIY – Watering and building drip irrigation
Class 4: DIY – Planting in a container and ground, plant care
Instructions for the material for the DIY will be provided a week before the class.
Look at some of the pictures here.
Ahalya Ram
I live in California Bay Area, where I enjoy the warm climate that is suitable to grow some of the tropical plants. I spent my childhood in a village in a tropical country (Sri Lanka) and I had plenty of opportunity to learn gardening from my parents and grandparents. After I moved to the US, I rediscovered my passion for gardening, and started with balcony gardening. The passion slowly turned into experimental science as well. Now, I continue to explore different forms and scales of gardening and enjoy the abundance of nature.
Ages 14 and above.
Mandala Art
Schedule: 3 weeks – 1 class / week (Saturday 5:00 – 6:00 pm Pacific time)
Program duration: April 24th – May 8th 2021
Cost: $20 per class OR $50 for 3 classes
Program structure
A recent landmark study commissioned by NASA found 98 percent of 5-year-olds tested at the “genius” level, however it drops to 2% for adults of 31 years of age. This is due to way creativity is discouraged in modern education system to produce “cog” in a wheel workers. (https://thefreethoughtproject.com/study-children-brilliant-education-dumbs-down/) . One way to get in touch with our genius is to get back to tap our creative side.
Mandalas are thousands of years old art creations created within a circle and represent the universe and our souls within. They are amazing symmetrical structures that can de stress the creator and the onlooker alike with known medical benefits. In this class we will take a modern approach to creating mandala. In this series we will start with a basic mandala grid, find ways to create depth and symmetry , use modern water color techniques and creative eye to find mandala patterns in nature and create them.
Sujata Tibrewala
Sujata Tibrewala is an eco-artist (www.pratibimba.info) who has exhibited at major art venues in India and USA like Lalit Kala Academy and University of Illinois, Chicago. She is an engineer by profession and works as technology evangelist/developer community manager at Intel
Some of my art can be found here.
Adult supervision needed for kids attending the session.
Please note that the last day to register is a week before the class, if and only if you need to purchase the material for the class. This time is needed to procure the material for you. For a class that is on April 24th , the last day to register is April 17th. The kit for the class will be available for pick up in Milpitas. The email with the location and timing for pick-up will be sent once registration is complete. In case you don’t need to buy the material but still need an idea of what materials will be needed for the class, please send us an email at sv.learning@ashanet.org
Public Speaking & Debate Class
Schedule: Starting May 2nd. Every Sunday 4 – 5 pm PST
Program duration: 4 Weeks
Cost: $100 for 4 classes
Program structure
Communication is important – whether you’re a student, a scientist, a writer, or a presidential candidate. If you’ve ever wanted to command the attention of a room with a powerful speech (or maybe just win an argument with your parents), this is the class for you! Together, we’re going to explore how to conduct reliable research on interesting topics, how to structure persuasive arguments, and how to deliver an impactful speech in front of an audience. At the end, you’ll have a chance to show off your skills in a round-robin debate tournament!
Riya Dange
Riya Dange is a neuroscience research fellow and incoming medical student with over 13 years of public speaking experience. She was born and raised in the Bay Area, where she attended Archbishop Mitty High School and co-founded their Speech and Debate team, which is now one of the top programs in the nation and #1 in the state of California. Riya served as the team’s president, mentoring younger team members and becoming the first student from Archbishop Mitty to qualify to the National Championships. Afterward, she attended Duke University, where she majored in neuroscience, minored in linguistics, and competed with Duke’s Mock Trial team for four years. As team captain, she helped lead the program to a fourth-place finish at the National Championships her senior year. Currently, Riya conducts neuropsychiatric research at the National Institutes of Health and is planning to start medical school in the summer.
Age Limit: 6th-8th Grade
Schedule: Pass valid for 12 weeks from date of registration.
Program duration: 24 class pass which can be used over 12 weeks – with a flexible schedule of classes.
Schedule available at https://yogasukham.com/schedule
For more details send us an email at sv.learning@ashanet.org
Cost: $300
Program structure
Let’s agree, we all are stressed! Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to pause the hustle of our busy lives, few times a week and connect your body with your soul. Let’s get together and reinvigorate ourselves with the ancient practice of Yoga. The session will be beginner friendly focusing on awareness of alignment, bringing in strength and flexibility. No prior yoga experience is required and class is suitable for all yoga enthusiasts. The sessions will focus on six practice themes – standing poses, forward folds, backward extensions, spinal twists, balancing poses, and restorative poses. The funds raised with this program will go directly to support the annual education of our special needs children’s home project, Samerth Talim Kendra.
Satya Vaidyanathan
I am a disciplined yoga practitioner, marathoner, running coach, and a musician. Having worked in technology in Silicon Valley, I understand what stress is all about. What I also understand is the peace you can attain once your mind and body are in sync. I have founded a yoga studio with the intent of creating a Wellness community, after completing the Advanced Studies Program at Downtown Yoga. Come join me in this journey and let’s celebrate de-stressing together!
Ages 10 and above.
Schedule: 6 weeks – 2 classes / week (Mondays 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Pacific time , Thursdays 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Pacific time)
Program duration: May 2021
Cost: $300
Program structure
Learn post processing for digital photography in 12 classes. This class will be will cover 3 main topics: Lightroom, Basics of Photoshop, using Photoshop in various genres.
We strongly recommend you get a subscription to Adobe Photography bundle (It’s $10 a month).
Check out photos taken by our students from previous classes here
Bibek, Abhijit, Neelika
Check out their pictures here
Abhijit’s instagram
Neelika’s instagram
Bibek’s instagram
Minimum of 5 registrants needed to offer this class. Age limit – 14 years and above.
Paint Party
Schedule: New class coming soon!
Cost: $50 (including materials)
Program structure
“Party in a box!!!” Just add a glass of wine & the party is on!!!
Receive a kit with everything you need for creating your very own masterpiece! First time painters welcome. You will have a finished piece at the end of a 2 hour class. Get ready to be amazed with your own skills.
Majella Pinto
I was born in the port town of Mangalore on the West Coast of India. I work as Project Manager in a Data Storage company in Silicon Valley and beyond work I like to paint and write. You can read more about me and see my artwork here www.artbymajella.com.
I was recently inducted into the Hall of Fame for earning some credits in writing challenges, and am enjoying my 15 seconds of it. You can read about it here, halfway down the page you will find my profile https://www.christopherfielden.com/writing-challenges/author-profiles.php
Ages 14 and above.
Registration closes on March 1st.
Tan Door Cooking with Asha
Schedule: TBD
Program duration: TBD
Cost:$15/session or $50 for 4 weeks
Program structure
Bored with usual food you eat? Tired of figuring out new recipes to try? Don’t have the bandwidth to wash stacks of utensils from cooking online tutorial recipes? Come join us to learn how to cook some quick and healthy dishes, but most importantly they all can be cooked in a single pot using ingredients you have lying around the house! Next potluck, you will have the bragging rights!
Introducing Tandoor Cooking for Asha, a 4 week adventure to learn and try new recipes that are quick to make, use mostly ingredients from your pantry, absolutely delicious and to top it off healthy!
Our chef for the week will demonstrate step by step and demo a favorite (and family secret!) recipe and you will follow along in your home, cooking along. Once done, you get to all enjoy it together with the beverage of your choice! Most of the ingredients will be what you already have at home, but just in case you need to get some things, the recipe will be sent by the weekend before the class.
Guest chefs every week
Ages 14 and above.